AUSTAUSCHHydrogen Safety Panel
Mentoring Program DDXP-AUSTAUSCH
The mentoring program will focus on two mentees and be 24 months in length. Mentees are expected to commit 16 hours per month to the program. The mentees will be paired with mentors from the Hydrogen Safety Panel based on the mentee's current levels of technical expertise and desired technical areas for learning.
Mentoring will take place primarily by electronic means (e.g., teleconferences, email, chats, eLearning platform), supplemented by in-person meetings as program resources permit. At the conclusion of the program, mentees will have completed a series of hydrogen safety training courses and demonstrated the necessary knowledge, skills, and ability to independently contribute to safety review activities typically performed by the HSP. At the end of the program, the mentees may be offered an opportunity to join the HSP.